Who we are

About CyFirm Forensics

We are proud to introduce CyFirm , the Digital Forensics Investigation company specializing in expert witness services.

Our team of experts has more than 15 years of extensive experiences in incident response, digital forensics, online investigations, eDiscovery and infosec related cases.

By being “Accredited Expert Witness in Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security” at the Courts, Public Prosecution and Ministry of Justice, CyFirm are recognized as having a high level of knowledge and experience in the field of Cyber Crimes investigations and digital forensics.

CyFirm can analyze and interpret digital evidence, such as computer systems, mobile devices, and other digital storage media, to provide valuable insights and testimony in legal proceedings. Additionally, by providing impartial and unbiased testimony, CyFirm communicates their findings and opinions in a clear and effective manner, both in written reports and in courts.

Where we are?
Why Us

Why Cyfirm's Expert Witness Services?

We are committed to providing top-quality professional services to our clients.

Our Experts

Accredited Expert Witness in Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security” at the Courts, Public Prosecution and Ministry of Justice

Our Commitments

We are here to help, whether you are:

  • involved in a legal dispute and need expert testimony, or
  • you simply need assistance understanding the technical aspects of a case

CyFirm are dedicated to helping:

  • Government entities
  • businesses
  • individuals
  • identify and investigate digital threats.

If you need digital forensics and online investigation expert witness services, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Follow CyFirm on LinkedIn for updates on our services and industry insights.

Our Specialties

Expert Witness in Cyber Security, Cyber Crimes and Information Security

Our expert witness services in online investigations and digital forensics offer a comprehensive approach to uncovering and analyzing digital evidence. We provide a range of services, including:

  • Digital Evidence Analysis and Identification

    Careful analysis and identification of digital evidence from various sources, including social media, websites, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and digital platforms and ensure In-depth examination to uncover relevant information and patterns.

  • Forensic Data Handling

    Preservation, collection, and analysis of digital evidence in a forensically sound manner to maintain its integrity.

  • Data Recovery

    Identification, preservation, and recovery of deleted or hidden data on digital devices.

  • Digital Artifact Examination

    a. Analyzing systems and networks to identify security breaches and determine how they occurred.

    b. Examining log files and other system data to identify patterns of activity and reconstruct events.

    c. Investigating electronic communication, including emails, instant messaging, and other forms of electronic communication, to uncover evidence of criminal activity.

  • Timeline Reconstruction

    Determining when specific events occurred by reconstructing computer usage timelines.

  • Expert Testimony

    Preparing detailed reports and providing expert testimony in court to explain findings and evidence.

  • Consulting and Training

    Offering consulting and training services to organizations, law enforcement agencies, and other clients in the fields of digital forensics, online investigations, and cybercrime investigations.

Our expert witness services in online investigations and digital forensics offer a comprehensive approach to uncovering and analyzing digital evidence. We provide a range of services, including:

Our Services

Explore our Services

Mobile Data Insights
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Computer Forensics
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Online & Internet Investigations
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Document and File Authentication Services
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Enhancing Secure Employee Departure Procedure
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Contact CYFIRM

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